Sunday, February 14, 2010

Improvement in Embroidery Software

A couple of days ago, while testing the embroidery machine, I lost one of my controller card and this was due to small strand of wire that short-circuit the lower-side of PCB board and some FET's blown away... This was a great setback to me because i just checked the motors and want to start some embroidery work.... SAD day..:(

As my controller card is under etching, so i just started improvements in the embroidery software... I added Stitch Marks (Needle points) in the Simulation.. Added some new colours and Optimized the Gcode generation algorithm...

I hope very soon i will able to show some great embroidery work ;)...

Added some more functionalities like showing Colors and new MenuBar.. Now you can see the number of colors 'in-orders' and simulation of each color...

Improvement in Embroidery Software

I have blown one of my controller card of Embroidery Machine.. and it was totally my fault... This was because of my bad housekeeping Habit ;)... A strand of wire short circuit the FET's and i have lost my modular card in a second...

So again this weekend i was not able to run my machine :(... I tested the handwheel driving stepper motor but the speed the drawback is that the speed and response was not good... I have to work more on the ways to get high SPM ( Stitches Per Minutes)... Recently i worked on my embroidery software and made some enhancements... I added the needle Marks in simulation and the Gcode was optimised.. New colours added and did some blushing on the main screen...