Sunday, June 2, 2019

Modification in Honda Civic and Future Plan

Lately, we have been 3D scanning of Honda Civic- 2018 to customize and modify some of its exterior to give it a unique but appealing look. We have been visiting the designs of High-end cars to get some ideas. Modification in such a car is not an easy task. Honda Civic is  already giving a sporty look, however, an addition of following will make it much more attractive:

1- Adding Rear Spoiler - Still on my Drawing Board: 3D scanning has already been completed. Still converting the scanned data into a usable CAD model. 
2- Addition of Intake Ducts: Ideas finalized but I haven't done yet the 3D scanning work...
3- Hood at Bonnet... Idea Finalized, 3D scanning after Eid. This will be the 1st modification we will perform.
4- Few minor adds-on --A lot of :P

The process will be lengthy but interesting..stay tuned:

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