Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Candle Holder

When I was a child i was bit fascinated by watching wall candle holders in movies especially in the castle.. ;)... Wall candle holder gives a good lighting effects and make a romantic scene in your house.. I decided to make one for my home...

I carved out and it took 6 hours for the whole carving process.. After staining and installing on the wall, when i lit the candle..You don't know how happy was I... It was a real great addition to my home...


  1. hi Khalid
    i bouth a cnc Machine but i learn work just art cam and i ont learn work another software
    please say me other software name and please please send for me many model .rlf or .v3m and i send for u vector files for mdf and door and kabinet (my design)

    with best regard

  2. NGY.. can you show me the vector designs you have?... Basically the .rlf files are too big to upload... I will try to send you the grey scale images...
